7X7 Against All Dressed Candle Kit - Contra Todo
7X7 Against All Dressed Candle Kit - Contra Todo
The 7x7 Against All dressed candle is a powerful tool for those who are looking to protect themselves from negative energy and to overcome obstacles. This candle is made with wax and comes along with a capsule of herbs, a capsule of powders, and a perfume dram that are said to promote protection, strength, and victory. The candle is also accompanied by a booklet of instructions that will guide you through the ritual of burning the candle. If you are feeling vulnerable to negative energy or if you are facing an obstacle that you want to overcome, the 7x7 Against All dressed candle may be the right tool for you. This candle can help you to protect yourself from harm, to find strength and courage, and to achieve your goals. It will also help protect yourself from negative energy.
Kit includes: 1 dram perfume, herbs, powders and a scrap of parchment along with instructions booklet for your ritual. Use this candle to ask for what you desire. I-*- Utilice esta Veladora para pedir lo que usted desea. Instrucciones: Ofrezca esta Veladora a su Santo de mayor devoción, encienda la Veladora y recite lo siguiente: “Dios, en este momento en el que estoy desorientado y no sé dónde encontrar la felicidad, yo vengo a ti en busca de la luz, una forma de superar este obstáculo y el camino hacia mi prosperidad, toma mis humildes esfuerzos y haz que prosperen”. Recuerde encender una Veladora de 7x7 al menos una vez al mes. Donde encuentras a Dios, no encontrarás fracaso.