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Divine Trinity Dressed Candle Kit - Divina Providencia

Divine Trinity Dressed Candle Kit - Divina Providencia

$ 39.00
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The Divine Trinity dressed candle is a powerful tool used to invoke the blessings of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is made with wax along with a capsule of herbs, a capsule of powders, and a perfume dram that are said to have protective and cleansing energies. The jar is decorated with images of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are often depicted as three figures in one. When you light this candle, you are calling on the power of the Divine Trinity to bless your life with protection, guidance, and love. The flickering flame of the candle represents the light of the Divine and helps to clear away negative energy and attract positive energy. The images of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit remind you of the divine presence in your life.

This candle can be used for a variety of purposes, such as: ā€¢ Attracting protection from harm ā€¢ Gaining guidance and wisdom ā€¢ Manifesting your goals and dreams ā€¢ Overcoming obstacles and challenges ā€¢ Finding peace and serenity ā€¢ Healing from emotional or physical pain

Kit includes: 1 dram perfume, herbs, powders and a scrap of parchment along with instructions booklet for your ritual. Burn this candle to attract the strength of the Divine Trinity. The Son will protect you, the Father will guide you and the Holy Spirit will accompany you. Thus you will receive the goods of the divine will. -*- Queme esta veladora para atraer la fuerza de la Trinidad Divina. El Hijo le protegerƔ, el Padre le guiarƔ y el Espƭritu Santo le acompaƱarƔ. Asƭ recibirƔ usted los bienes de la Voluntad Divina.

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