
Jinx Removing Cleansing Kit / Quita Hechizo

Jinx Removing Cleansing Kit / Quita Hechizo

$ 29.95
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The "Jinx Removing" Cleansing Kit, containing 3 spiritual soaps and 1 spiritual oil, is designed to remove negative energies and break free from unwanted influences. Here's how practitioners might use it:

  • Cleansing Ritual: The soap would be used for a cleansing bath, symbolizing the washing away of negativity, jinxes, and any ill-will directed towards the individual. This might involve visualization techniques, focusing on releasing negativity and restoring personal energy.
  • Anointing for Protection: After the bath, the oil would be applied to specific points, such as the wrists, temples, or third eye, to create a protective shield against further negative influences. 
  • Space Cleansing: The soap and oil could be used to cleanse the home or workspace, removing any lingering negativity that may be affecting the individual.
  • Breaking Negative Patterns: The kit might be used in rituals focused on breaking free from negative cycles or overcoming obstacles caused by perceived jinxes.

The "Jinx Removing" Cleansing Kit is designed to be a multi-faceted tool, combining the cleansing power of the soap with the protective properties of the oil to remove negativity and restore balance and harmony. The specific use of these products may vary depending on the practitioner's beliefs and traditions.

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