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Road Opener Dressed Candle Kit - Abre Camino

Road Opener Dressed Candle Kit - Abre Camino

$ 39.00
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The Road Opener dressed candle is a powerful tool used to invoke the power of clearing obstacles and opening new paths. It is made with wax along with a capsule of herbs, a capsule of powders, and a perfume dram that are said to have protective and cleansing energies. The jar is decorated with an image of a broken chain, which is often seen as a symbol of new beginnings and possibilities. When you light this candle, you are calling on the power of the Divine to help you clear away obstacles and open new paths in your life. The flickering flame of the candle represents the light of new beginnings and helps to clear away negative energy and attract positive energy. The Road Opener dressed candle is a powerful tool used to invoke the power of clearing obstacles and opening new paths. This dressed candle will protect you when taking risks and stepping into the unknown.

This candle can be used for a variety of purposes, such as: • Clearing away obstacles in your life • Opening new doors of opportunity • Making a fresh start • Finding your way home • Achieving your goals and dreams

Kit includes: 1 dram perfume, herbs, powders and a scrap of parchment along with instructions booklet for your ritual. Road Opener brings together the aromas of courage and luck because luck is for the brave. Use it when you jump forward and require extra help. Good to start anything. -*- Abre Camino reúne los aromas del valor y la suerte porque la suerte es de los valientes. Úselo cuando dé el brinco para adelante y requiera ayuda extra. Bueno para iniciar cualquier cosa.

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