St. Jude Dressed Candle Kit - San Judas
St. Jude Dressed Candle Kit - San Judas
The St. Jude dressed candle in a jar is a powerful tool used to invoke the intercession of St. Jude, the patron saint of hopeless cases and lost causes. It is made with wax along with a capsule of herbs, a capsule of powders, and a perfume dram that are said to have protective and cleansing energies. When you light this candle, you are calling on the power of St. Jude to help you with a difficult or hopeless situation. The flickering flame of the candle represents the light of hope and helps to clear away negative energy and attract positive energy. The St. Jude dressed candle is a powerful tool that can be used to invoke the intercession of St. Jude. It is a simple and effective way to call on the power of this saint to help you achieve your goals and dreams. The image of St. Jude reminds you that you are not alone and that there is always hope.
This candle can be used for a variety of purposes, such as: • Seeking help with a difficult or hopeless situation • Overcoming obstacles and challenges • Finding peace and serenity • Healing from emotional or physical pain • Attracting love and relationships
Kit includes: 1 dram perfume, herbs, powders and a scrap of parchment along with instructions booklet for your ritual. Kit includes: 1 dram perfume, herbs, powders and a scrap of parchment along with instructions booklet for your ritual. Burn this candle to receive help with very difficult matters. Saint Jude is known to help with impossible causes. With faith on him, the saint will solve the most complex problems for you. -*- Queme esta veladora para recibir ayuda con asuntos muy difíciles. San Judas es conocido por ayudar con las causas imposibles. Con fé en su ayuda, el santo resolverá para usted los problemas más complejos.