Dream Book

Dreams starting with G
Face.—To dream your face is swelled shows that you will accumulate wealth. If you are in love, it denotes that your sweetheart will receive an unexpected legacy and marry you. Fall.—To...
Dreams starting with G
Face.—To dream your face is swelled shows that you will accumulate wealth. If you are in love, it denotes that your sweetheart will receive an unexpected legacy and marry you. Fall.—To...

Dreams starting with G
Gloves.—To dream of receiving a gift of a pair of gloves, signifies an offer of friendship. If the gloves are light, the connection will be pleasant; if dark, it is...
Dreams starting with G
Gloves.—To dream of receiving a gift of a pair of gloves, signifies an offer of friendship. If the gloves are light, the connection will be pleasant; if dark, it is...

Dreams starting with H
Hay.—To dream you cut it, signifies that you will have great influence in society. To dream of raking it together, denotes that you will stand at the head of assemblies. Hills.—To...
Dreams starting with H
Hay.—To dream you cut it, signifies that you will have great influence in society. To dream of raking it together, denotes that you will stand at the head of assemblies. Hills.—To...

Dreams starting with I
Ice.—To dream of ice is a favorable omen. To the lover it shows your sweetheart is of an amiable temper and faithful. To dream you are sliding or skating on...
Dreams starting with I
Ice.—To dream of ice is a favorable omen. To the lover it shows your sweetheart is of an amiable temper and faithful. To dream you are sliding or skating on...

Dreams starting with J
Jollity.—To dream of jollity, feasts and merry-making, is a good and prosperous dream, and promiseth to the dreamer great preferment. Jessamine.—To dream of this beautiful flower, foretells good luck. To lovers,...
Dreams starting with J
Jollity.—To dream of jollity, feasts and merry-making, is a good and prosperous dream, and promiseth to the dreamer great preferment. Jessamine.—To dream of this beautiful flower, foretells good luck. To lovers,...

Dreams starting with K
Kill.—To dream you kill a man, signifies assuredness of business. To dream you kill your father, is a bad sign. To dream you are killed, denotes loss to him whom...
Dreams starting with K
Kill.—To dream you kill a man, signifies assuredness of business. To dream you kill your father, is a bad sign. To dream you are killed, denotes loss to him whom...